Educational Reads
to Inspire Change

Learn more about substance use disorder and what it takes to start a life of recovery.


What Is Residential Treatment and How Can It Help You?

What Is a Residential Treatment Facility? Residential treatment is a healthcare program for those struggling with substance use, addiction, and mental health disorders. It is particularly helpful for those who have been dealing with addiction for a long time and need added assistance for their recovery.  Residential treatment can assist individuals

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Detox Near Me Medicaid

What is Medicaid? If you searched for “detox near me Medicaid,” you probably have a vague understanding coupled with questions and concerns. To start, Medicaid is a health insurance program that covers millions of Americans with financial struggles or disabilities. It is funded jointly by the federal government and each

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Detox From Alcohol

What is Alcohol Withdrawal? Alcohol withdrawal is the physical and mental symptoms one experiences when they have cut back or stopped drinking alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms usually only occur if one drinks heavily for weeks, months, or years. Most occasional drinkers will not experience detox symptoms, as the body has not had

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Everything You Need to Know About Medi-Cal Rehab

What Is Medi-Cal? If you or a loved one need help finding substance use disorder treatment options, it is important to understand how Medi-Cal rehab and healthcare works and how it may benefit you. Medi-Cal is California’s Medicaid health care program for individuals and families with low income or resources. Medi-Cal offers

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Why Detox is Important

What is Drug Detoxification? There are many reasons why detox is important and crucial in the process of overcoming addiction. It is a process through which the body eliminates harmful substances, including drugs and alcohol. It allows individuals to meet physical stability and prepares them for further treatment. This elimination allows

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What is Tobacco? Tobacco comes from the leaves of the tobacco plant and has been used by humans throughout history. While initially used ceremonially, tobacco’s use case has adapted over time. Today, tobacco use is recreational, and the substance is the leading cause of preventable illnesses and death in America.1

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What Is Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid for pain management, anaesthesia, and sedation. It is a Schedule II prescription drug classified as a controlled substance due to its potential for misuse and addiction. This opioid is estimated to be 50-100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more powerful than heroin.

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Sobering Center: A Place of Recovery and Hope

What Is a Sobering Center? A sobering center helps individuals who need immediate detox support. Sobering programs provide short-term care for people experiencing the effects of acute drug or alcohol intoxication.1 Sobering programs are a safe, supervised alternative to jail or emergency rooms. A sobering center commonly provides individuals with a safe

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Culture, Stigma & Silence: How Substance Use Impacts Families

by Karina Gertsikov, CLAS Champion Ambassador, Palm Ave Detox As a Horizon Services CLAS Champion, I want to shed light on a deeply personal issue: the impact of addiction on the loved ones of those struggling with it, particularly within minority cultures. Individuals immersed in addiction often become disconnected from

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A Day in the Life: A Project Eden SUD Prevention Specialist

Paul helps youth explore and identify behavior and attitudes towards substance use through active listening and reflective questions. Paul, a Prevention Specialist (PS) with Horizon Services’ Project Eden, pulls into the high school parking lot early Monday morning. Among his tools are his skills; trauma-informed care, motivational interviewing; and various

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Palm Avenue Detox: Patient Experience

In the realm of healthcare services, client satisfaction plays a pivotal role in assessing the effectiveness and quality of care provided. A comprehensive client survey system serves as a valuable tool for evaluating various aspects of service delivery and identifying areas for improvement. The recent analysis of client survey data

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Vista Research

Vista Research Group Horizon Treatment Services partners with Vista Research on Measurement Based Care (MBC)  Read the Letter from Horizon Treatment Services CEO, Jaime Campos Enjoy this video with Joanna Conti, President and CEO of Vista Research Group, Inc.

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Better Outcomes? Yes, please!

Horizon Treatment Services partners with Vista Research on Measurement Based Care (MBC) By Jaime Campos, CEO Who’s on board with maximizing our client outcomes? We are!!  Allow us to introduce to you measurement-based care (MBC), a practice of basing clinical care on client data collected during treatment. MBC is an

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